Memory Eternal – Вјечнаја памјат!

У петак, 20. новембра 2020. године у 7:07 часова у Војној ковид болници „Kарабурма“ у Београду упокојио се у Господу Његова Светост Архиепископ пећки, Митрополит београдско-карловачки и Патријарх српски г. Иринеј (Гавриловић).
О свим другим детаљима у вези са сахраном Његове Светости Патријарха јавност ће бити ускоро обавештена. Вечан му спомен и Царство Небеско!
Животопис Његове Светости Архиепископа пећког, Митрополита београдско-карловачког и Патријарха српског господина Иринеја
Дана 27. августа 1930. године благочестиве родитеље Здравка и Милијану Гавриловић из села Видове код Чачка – и са њима сав род српски – Господ је благословио рођењем мушког детета које је на крштењу добило име Мирослав.
У родном селу завршио је основну школу, а после Гимназије у Чачку и Богословију у Призрену. Затим дипломира на Богословском факултету у Београду. По завршетку војне службе постављен је за суплента (професора) Призренске богословије. Пре ступања на дужност професора октобра 1959. године у манастиру Раковици од стране Патријарха српског Германа прима монашки чин, добивши монашко име Иринеј. На дан Свете Петке исте године у цркви Ружици на Калемегдану је рукоположен у чин јеромонаха.
Док је као професор службовао у Призренској богословији упућен је на постдипломске студије у Атину. За управника Монашке школе у манастиру Острогу постављен је 1969. године, одакле се враћа у Призрен на место ректора славне Богословије. Са те дужности је 1974. изабран за викара Патријарха српског са титулом Епископа моравичког. За Епископа нишког изабран је 1975. године.
На Светом Архијерејском Сабору Српске Православне Цркве 22. јануара 2010. године изабран је за Архиепископа пећког, Митрополита београдско-карловачког и Патријарха српског.
The Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Iriney (Gavrilovic) reposed in the Lord in the Military Covid Hospital “Karaburma” in Belgrade, on Friday, November 20, 2020, at 7:07 AM.
All other details regarding the funeral of His Holiness the Patriarch will be announced soon. Eternal memory and the Kingdom of Heaven!
His pious parents Zdravko and MilijanaGavrilovic from the village of Vidova near Cacak – and with them the entire Serbian family – were blessed by the Lord, on August 27, 1930, with the birth of a male child whose baptismal name was Miroslav. He finished elementary school in his native village and high school in Cacak and the Theological School in Prizren, Kosovo and Metohia. Thereupon he graduated from the Faculty of Theology in Belgrade.
After completing his military service, he was appointed professor of the Prizren Theological School, but before accepting the appointment he received monastic tonsure in the monastery of Rakovica, n. Rakovica, by the Serbian Patriarch German, receiving the monastic name Irinej, October 1959. On the Holy and Great Friday of the same year, he was ordained a hieromonk in the church of Ruzica, Belgrade. As a professor at the Prizren Theological School, he spent some years at postgraduate studies in Athens. He was appointed principal of the Monastic School in the Ostrog monastery in 1969, from where he returned to Prizren to the position of Principal of that famous Theological School.
It was in 1974 that he was elected Vicar Bishop of the Serbian Patriarch with the title of Bishop of Moravica. He was elected Bishop of Nis in 1975.
Enthronement of Serbian Patriarch Irinej
The act of enthronement of His Holiness Irinej, Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, was performed on January 23, 2010, during the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy in Belgrade’s Cathedral church of Archangel Michael. The solemn Liturgy was officiated by the elected Serbian Patriarch Irinej with the concelebration of his brothers Bishops, priests and deacons, as well as representatives of the Russian and Greek Churches. Patriarch Irinej was formally enthroned to the ancient throne of the Serbian Patriarchs in the Patriarchate of Pec monastery on 3 October 2010, with the participation of the representatives of all sister Orthodox Churches.
From the very beginning of His Patriarchal Ministry, though in very difficult time, His Holiness advocated peace and stability in the entire region.
On November 10, 2010, he stated in an interview that “the Drina River [between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina] is not a border, but a bridge that connects us. Although in a way, we are one even today, God willing, we will soon really be one.” Patriarch Irinej elaborated that for now “it is enough that we are one as people, as the Orthodox Church, and that we are on the same path of St. Sava and Christ”. He praised the Serbs of Banja Luka stating that “[they fight] to preserve the Serbian name. Although this is not at all an easy task, they are succeeding.”
On December 15th, 2011, His Holiness was decorated by His Royal Highness Prince Davit Bagration Mukhraneli Batonishvilli of Georgia with The Grand Collar of The Order of The Eagle of Georgia and The Semeless Tunic of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
His Holiness Irinej has been considered, both abroad and at home, as a moderate traditionalist, open to global inter-religious dialogue. In an interview, he indicated he would not oppose the first-ever visit by the Roman Catholic Pope to Serbia in 2013 as part of celebrations of the 1,700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan, the law under which Roman emperor Constantine, who was born in Niš, ended the persecution of Christians. His Holiness said that “there is the wish of the Pope” for a meeting in Niš and that it would be a chance “not just for a meeting, but for a dialogue”.
Regarding the accession of Serbia to the European Union, the Serbian Patriarch said that: “Serbia should not look with suspicion at the EU, if the EU respects the Serbian identity, culture and religion. We believe that we are a historical part of Europe, and we want to be in this family of peoples. In the accession we will accept everything that is not in contradiction with our cultural and historical identity.”
As the Head of the Serbian Orthodox Church His Holiness represents the highest spiritual authority among the Serbian people in Serbia and abroad.
Serbian Patriarchate under His leadership has published an exceptional number of academic, liturgical, religious, as well as popular books for education and spiritual uplifting of the faithful. His Holiness is well known as a great preacher and uses every opportunity to preach the Word of God to all people. Most recently, the Diocese of Nis has published a collection of his sermons delivered in the Dioces of Nis, while he was Diocesan Bishop there.

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