Author Archives: Predrag

Patronal Celebration at Saint Sava Church – Прослава црквене славе

Patronal Celebration of Saint Sava in Los Angeles Saint Sava of Serbia and all Orthodoxy, as the true “Homo Universalis” (Universal Man), or we can rightfully use the term “The All-Man” (St. Justin of Celije used this term when speaking of Dostojevski), has once again manifested his universality and all-inclusiveness, gathering together in the temple […]

Nativity Encyclical of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej

The Serbian Orthodox Church to her spiritual children at Christmas, 2019 +IRINEJ By the Grace of God Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church, to all the clergy, monastics, and all the sons and daughters of our Holy Church: grace, mercy, and […]

Божићна посланица Патријарха српског Г. Г. Иринеја

Српска Православна Црква својој духовној деци о БОЖИЋУ 2019. године ИРИНЕЈ по милости Божјој Православни Архиепископ пећки, Митрополит београдско-карловачки и Патријарх српски, са свим Архијерејима Српске Православне Цркве – свештенству, монаштву и свим синовима и кћерима наше свете Цркве: благодат, милост и мир од Бога Оца, и Господа нашега Исуса Христа, и Духа Светога, уз […]

Nativity Fast Begins

We wish you a blessed and spiritually rewarding Advent Season  Nativity Fast – Our Journey to Bethlehem November 28th – January 07th​ “Make ready, O Bethlehem: let the manger be prepared, let the cave show its welcome. The truth has come, the shadow has passed away…” The herald of the pending miracle begins. It is […]