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Welcome to the official website of the Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church

Located in San Gabriel, CA, our church is a parish of The Western American Diocese of The Serbian Orthodox Church, under spiritual leadership of His Grace Bishop Maxim. Our Parish was founded in 1909 by our ancestors who immigrated from Balkan and settled in the Southern California. The Divine Services are in Serbian, English and Church-Slavonic.

Over the century, thousands of people have called Saint Sava Parish their home. Maybe this parish is the kind of spiritual home you have been searching for as well – please come and see, we would love to have you pray with us.

Please check out the rest of our web site. We hope that you enjoy your visit and find useful information about our Parish.


March 8, 2019

Great Lent


My dear parishioners, I wish you a blessed and spiritually rewarding Lenten Journey. May God grants us the strength to fight the good fight; to accomplish the course of the Fast; to preserve inviolate the faith; to crush under foot...

March 8, 2019

Fundraising Gala-Lunch


Dear Parishioners, We’ve begun an iconography project in our church, as well as a few other major projects (installation of the granite parapets throughout the church, landscaping, kitchen remodel etc.) in preparation for the great...

March 8, 2019

Срећан и благословен почетак Васкршњег Поста


Драги парохијани, Желим Вам благословен и душекористан подвиг поста. Да нам Господ дарује снаге да се добрим подвигом подвизавамо, да ток Поста завршимо, веру неоскврњену сачувамо, главе невидљивих змија сатремо, да се победитељи греха...

February 6, 2019

Patronal Celebration of Saint Sava in Los Angeles


Patronal Celebration of Saint Sava in Los Angeles A brisk sunny morning dawned on January 27th, 2019, when the Serbian Church liturgically commemorates the greatest enlightener and the First Archbishop of Serbia, Saint Sava. In Saint...

January 4, 2019

Божићна посланица Патријарха Иринеја


Српска Православна Црква својој духовној деци о Божићу 2018. године  ИРИНЕЈ  по милости Божјој православни Архиепископ пећки,  Митрополит београдско-карловачки и Патријарх српски,  са свим архијерејима Српске Православне Цркве, ...

January 4, 2019

Patriarchal Nativity Encyclical 2018


    The Serbian Orthodox Church  to her spiritual children at Christmas, 2018    +IRINEJ    By the Grace of God  Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the Hierarchs of the Serbian...