Ministry for Diaspora – Important info
NewsEverything you need to know regarding Serbian Diaspora and Ministry for Diaspora, please visit the following website:
Everything you need to know regarding Serbian Diaspora and Ministry for Diaspora, please visit the following website:
U subotu 1. oktobra odrzana je dobrotvorna vecera sa pocetkom u 6 sati, za izradu mozaika u Hramu Svetoga Save (kompozicija koja prikazuje Uspenje Presvete Bogorodice), u velelepnoj rezidenciji Milana i Milene Panic, u Pasadeni. Veceri...
Join his grace Maxim, Bishop of Western America and Fr Blasko Paraklis of Orange County, CA on a fascinating guided tour of the Orthodox monasteries and historic sites of ancient Greece and its flourishing Byzantine Empire of a begone...
Zahvaljujemo se deci koja su bila deo nedeljne sluzbe i pevala zajedno sa crkvenim horom: Ana Lugue, Nikolina i Anastasija Colic i Jovan Miskovic koji je, kao i svake nedelje, pomagao ocu Petru. Nakon liturgije, deca su zajedno sa...
Youngest Group – ages 3-5 Class Time: 11:15 – 12:00 noon Children will learn the basics of their faith: sign of cross, Lord’s prayer, coloring activities Middle Group – ages 6-10 Class Time: 11:15 – 12:00 noon 12:00 – 12:30 p.m....
Dear Parents Our Sunday School was open on Sunday, September 13, 2009. Children attended Divine Liturgy and a prayer for the beginning of the school year at 10:00 a.m. After the church service all children and teachers were...
SAN GABRIEL – Lent began today for members of the Eastern Orthodox Christian faith, who will now embark on seven weeks of fasting and purification in preparation for Easter. At the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in San Gabriel...
On November 18, 2008 St. Sava Church was honored to host 26 members of the California Agricultural Leadership. Their visit was organized by Dr. Peggy S. Perry of Cal Poly Pomona University and V. Rev. Father Petar Jovanovic, rector of...
The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America sponsored a special commemoration of Vidovdan and Kosovo Charity Banquet at the St. Sava Church of San Gabriel, held on Saturday, June 21, 2008. His Grace Serbian Bishop Dr. Maxim hosted...