Драга браћо и сестре,
Придружите нам се у недељу 19. јула у молитвеном сећању на Генерала Драгољуба Михајловића и прослављању “Дражиндана”, који је још 1986. године прогласио и установио градоначелник Лос Анђелеса Том Бредли.
Услед новоуведених мера и ограничења због пандемије Свету Литургију ћемо служити напољу, испред храма, а најављеног ручка неће бити, већ, само, кратко послужење.
Добро нам дошли!
Dear brothers and sisters,
Please join us this coming Sunday, July 19th, in a prayerful remembrance on General Dragoljub Mihajlovic and celebration of his day “Drazindan”, proclaimed and instituted by the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles Tom Bradley in 1986.
Due to the newly imposed regulations and limitations on gatherings, we have decided to serve the Divine Liturgy outdoors, in front of the church. In addition, there will be no parish luncheon, but, rather, a short coffee hour.

1 thoughts on “

  1. Debbie Prutsman says:

    Hello Friends –
    I just drove by your beautiful church!! I spent the New Year in Serbia AND got a special opportunity to visit a realatively new Serbian Orthodox Monastery outside Banja Luka in Bosnia-Hertzegovina. The priest told us, through a young seminarian who spoke English, that the original monastery had been torn down in 1692 by the Turks in an attempt to remove all traces of Christianity. In 2008, someone local had a dream that the cornerstones were still there in spite of it now being reforested. They went out and found the original cornerstones & built the monastery over the same footprint in 2009. It was gorgeous!!

    Anyway, I fell in love with the Serbian Orthodox church and was excited to find yours!! Much love, many prayers, and a heart full of admiration to you all!!

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