Beginning of the new Church School Year

Dear Parents,
As the summer months slowly begin to wane, it is time to start thinking about the beginning of the new church school year. We have been working diligently to plan and organize wonderful programs for the youth of our parish. We have acquired a new set of church school textbooks and are excited to share them with you and your children and to start learning from them. Our diverse programming offers strong religious and cultural education, as well as a nurturing, church-centered, environment for learning. We have also been contemplating the idea of starting with the Serbian Language classes, as a part of the Sunday School. We would love to get your opinion about it.

Below see the schedule and planned activities for the weekend of 08-09 September 2018.   


– On Saturday, September 08, 2018, we will have a joint Vesper Service at 6 pm, dinner, fellowship, music, dance and an overnight lock-in!! (PLEASE BRING YOUR SLEEPING BAGS!!)

For those who would like come early please know that there will be activities throughout the whole day, such as liturgical bread making workshop (approximately around 4 pm) and sports activities in the morning. 

– On Sunday, September 09, 2018, we will celebrate the spiritual beginning of our church school year with a divine liturgy and invocation of the Holy Spirit at the conclusion of which we will hand out the above-mentioned textbooks to our registered students. Please find time to enroll your child!  You can do it online at   or

After the liturgy, our KS Sisters will prepare and serve a festal luncheon for all in attendance so, please plan to attend an invite your family and friends too.

After lunch, there will be a Sunday School Meeting. Please plan to attend!

Please feel free to contact me with your questions.

In Christ,
Fr. Predrag 
cell: 224-388-2605

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