Serbian Heritage Night at LA Clippers

What a great opportunity for the Serbian community of LA to come together and participate in this event, proud of our ethnic heritage!

Дивна прилика за Српску заједницу Лос Анђелеса да заједнички учествујемо у овом догађају, поносни на наше национално наслеђе!

To purchase tickets copy and paste the link bellow into your web browser.

Here are some instructions for the evening:
-Please come to the 11th street entrance at 5:00-5:15.
-Check in at the black tent, using the name, “Serbian Night”
-You will be placed in line, at 5:30 you will be allowed to enter the stadium
-From 5:30 – 6:15 you will be in the first rows of the stadium watching the players shootaround and warmup!
T-Shirt Pickup
-Please pick up your shirt in the main concourse, outside section 104. You will see a table with shirts.
-Please pickup between 6:30 and before the end of the 2nd quarter
-Please pick up your green wristband as well, this will get you in to the meet and greet
Meet and Greet
-Please come next to the Team LA Store, in the main concourse. We will be meeting by the store, on the inside of the building. Do not exit.
-Please show up with 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter! Please be on time!
-As soon as the game ends, we will go down to the meet and greet. If you are late, you will not be allowed to come
No backpacks allowed in the stadium
No additional camera lenses
No personal pictures or autographs with the players




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