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Welcome to the official website of the Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church

Located in San Gabriel, CA, our church is a parish of The Western American Diocese of The Serbian Orthodox Church, under spiritual leadership of His Grace Bishop Maxim. Our Parish was founded in 1909 by our ancestors who immigrated from Balkan and settled in the Southern California. The Divine Services are in Serbian, English and Church-Slavonic.

Over the century, thousands of people have called Saint Sava Parish their home. Maybe this parish is the kind of spiritual home you have been searching for as well – please come and see, we would love to have you pray with us.

Please check out the rest of our web site. We hope that you enjoy your visit and find useful information about our Parish.


June 7, 2019

Fundraising Luncheon For KOLO’s Summer Trip


We would like to invite you to participate in our Fundraising Luncheon on Sunday, June 9, 2019 All proceeds will go towards financing the Kalemegdan Kolo Group’s trip to Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina...

June 1, 2019

Српски фестивал у Лос Анђелесу


Српски Фестивал у Лос Анђелесу Освануо је диван сунчан дан 25. маја 2019. године. У светосавској Парохији лосанђелеској, створеној апостолским трудовима Светог Севастијана (Дабовића) давне 1909. године, ужурбано су текле последње...

April 26, 2019

Васкршња Посланица Његове Светости Патријарха Српског Иринеја


Српска Православна Црква својој духовној деци о ВАСКРСУ 2019. године ИРИНЕЈ по милости Божјој православни Архиепископ пећки, Митрополит београдско-карловачки и Патријарх српски, са свим архијерејима Српске Православне Цркве –...