NewsIt is with great sadness, but with Christian hope in Resurrection and Eternal Life, that I inform you, my dear parishioners, that Maja Loni (Gusa), the daughter of Sveto & Nada Gusa, has passed on to the Lord, yesterday, September...
Beginning of the new Church School Year
NewsDear Parents, As the summer months slowly begin to wane, it is time to start thinking about the beginning of the new church school year. We have been working diligently to plan and organize wonderful programs for the youth of our...
The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and the Ordination of Jovan Katanic to the Order of Priesthood
NewsThe brightness of the Transfiguration of the Lord, illuminating all the universe, was shining on the parish of St. Sava in San Gabriel, California, where a great number of parishioners gathered to celebrate the great feast of the Lord...
Vidovdan Celebration at St. Sava Church
NewsВИДОВДАНСКА ПРОСЛАВА У НАШЕМ ХРАМУ “Сећање је акт љубави…” (о. Александар Шмеман) Ове речи о. Александра, вероватно, најбоље осликавају и сумаризују овогодишњу видовданску прославу у светосавској парохији у Лос...
NewsДРАЖИНДАН У СВЕТОМ САВИ Драга браћо и сестре, Придружите нам се у недељу 15. јула у молитвеном сећању на Генерала Драгољуба Михајловића и прослављању “Дражиндана”, који је још 1986. године прогласио и установио градоначелник Лос...
NewsDear Parents, I would like to invite you to enroll your children into the second week (July 15th-21st) of the Saint Sava Camp in Jackson, CA, as this week is traditionally reserved for the youth from LA, San Diego and Phoenix. Saint...