On March 28, 2021, the second Sunday of Great Lent, His Grace Bishop Maxim concelebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in San Gabriel, California with the parish priest V. Rev. Predrag Bojovic, Rev. Jovan Katanic, and Diocesan Deacon Vladan Radovanovic, together with the faithful of the parish On this Sunday […]
Category Archives: News
Archpastoral Encyclical I greet you, dear children of God, with this Pastoral letter, asking and praying that all of us in this God protected Diocese of Western America, will spend the salvific season of Great Lent in mutual forgiveness and love; in fasting and prayer; in charitable and other good deeds; in fervent church attendance; […]
May God grant eternal rest in His Heavenly Kingdom to his servant and lifelong dedicated member of our Parish +Vera Tomich Bolognesi! Memory Eternal! Нека Господ подари вечни покој у свом Небеском Царству Његовој слушкињи а целоживотној посвећеној парохијанки наше Парохије +Вери Томић Болоњези! Вјечнаја памјат!
It is with great sadness, but with Christian hope in Resurrection and Eternal Life, that I inform you, my dear parishioners, that our brother in Christ Obren Vucurevic has fallen asleep in the Lord, on February 24, 2021. Funeral service and interment will be held at the Serbian Cemetery in East LA on Thursday, March […]
Our new Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Profirije! May got grant him many years!
Са тугом, али и са хришћанском надом у васкрсење и вечни живот, обавештавам вас, драги моји парохијани, да је наш парохијан и брат у Христу Миодраг Миле Поњавић уснуо у Господу 22. јануара, 2021. Опело за покојног Миодрага ћемо обавити у четвртак 11. фебруара 2021. године са почетком у 12:00 часова на српском гробљу у […]
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – Amen! “For such a High Priest was fitting for us” (Hebrew 7:26). These words of the Holy Apostle Paul, which my brother in Christ Father John read, send a message to all of us Christians from the first […]