
Прва етапа живописања нашег храма, северна страна, је завршена. Настављамо даље…ПОГЛЕДАЈТЕ КАКО САДА ИЗГЛЕДА

Скромно апелујемо и молимо вашу финансијску помоћ, без обзира на износ. Свака помоћ је добродошла и свима ће јавно бити указана пажња и захвалност за љубав и оданост нашој Цркви! Помозите нам да завршимо нашу цркву у славу Божију и на понос нашем народу!

Welcome to the official website of the

Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church

Located in San Gabriel, CA, our church is a parish of The Western American Diocese of The Serbian Orthodox Church, under spiritual leadership of His Grace Bishop Maxim. Our Parish was founded in 1909 by our ancestors who immigrated from Balkan and settled in the Southern California. The Divine Services are in Serbian, English and Church-Slavonic.

Over the century, thousands of people have called Saint Sava Parish their home. Maybe this parish is the kind of spiritual home you have been searching for as well – please come and see, we would love to have you pray with us.

Please check out the rest of our web site. We hope that you enjoy your visit and find useful information about our Parish.


March 4, 2020

Moleban podrske Crkvi Bozijoj u Crnoj Gori


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many of you are aware that there have been mass demonstrations in Montenegro in the last two months. Hundreds of thousands of people have been demonstrating nearly daily in response to the government of...

February 24, 2020

KoloFest 2020 – Schedule


FRIDAY FEB 28- WELCOME PARTY 7 p.m. -00:30 a.m. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 29, 2020 – KOLO FEST 3:30 p.m. GROUP PHOTO TIME 4:00 p.m. Diner 4:45 p.m. PROGRAM STARTS 6:30 p.m.   30 min INTERMISSION  (Dinner) 7:00 p.m.   SECOND PART OF THE...

February 19, 2020

Memorial Saturday – Задушнице


Драги парохијани, У суботу, 22. фебруара, у старој цркви Светог Саве, крај српског гробља, са почетком у 9:30, биће служена Света Литургија и парастос за покој наших вољених, уснулих у Господу. Дођите да заједнички узнесемо молитве за...

February 13, 2020

Preparing for Great Lent


The paschal season of the Church is preceded by the season of Great Lent, which is itself preceded by its own liturgical preparation. The first sign of the approach of Great Lent comes five Sundays before its beginning. On this Sunday...

January 22, 2020

Memory Eternal + Mirko Malobabic


It is with great sadness, but with Christian hope in Resurrection and Eternal Life, that I inform you, my dear parishioners, that Mirko Malobabic, the son of Mike & Denise Malobabic, has passed on to the Lord, on Saturday, January...